Play is a means of learning to live, an interactive exploration of the possibilities of
this world and our place in it. Fiona Robbé Landscape Architects create unique
playful experiences for all ages and abilities.

Our Designs
We strive to uphold the theory of Universal Design to its highest ideological interpretation – for people of all ages, abilities and ethnic origins to feel included in the play environment, and to accomplish this at all levels: socially, emotionally and intellectually.

Kelso Community Hub
One of our proudest projects of the year, the multi-award winning Kelso Community Hub provides a safe and unique play space for Bathurst locals!
Arcadia Public School
We have worked with Arcadia PS for over 15 years on various projects, with the most recent being an upgrade to the sandpit.
Join us here for a trip down memory lane to check out some of the projects we have worked on at our local school.
Samuel Gilbert Public School
Not many know this, but nestled in Sydney’s Hills District, just 30km north-west of the CBD, lies Bedrock – a prehistoric city made famous by its most eminent residents, the Flintstones!
Jo Wheatley All Abilities Playspace
Our office worked on the Jo Wheatley All Abilities Playspace for 7 years. Located on the Swan River foreshore in Dalkeith in Perth, it is a quintessential inclusive playground!

Get Centered
Fiona is wholly committed to the playground industry and is involved in pro bono research and advocacy. She speaks regularly at conferences and seminars nationally and internationally, offers peer support and review for other offices and is passionate about child advocacy. As a member of of several Standards Australia Playground Committees, research institutes and play associations, she is a genuine thought leader in the playground industry.
With this experience under her belt, Fiona has focused her attention on musings on the outdoor design of childcare centres – from chimes to native bees, DIY succulent turtles to weaving panels! Have a read of our Get Centered blog for inspiration on unique, playful ideas for your next project!

Explore Our Work!

Our Team

Fiona Robbé – Director
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture – First Class Honours, UNSW 1985
Advanced Certificate of Urban Horticulture – Distinction, Ryde TAFE, 1998
Fiona Robbé is a Landscape Architect and Horticulturist who has specialised in the design of outdoor children’s environments, and has worked as a Landscape Architect for over 30 years.
Her work encompasses public playgrounds in parks (local and state government), as well as play areas in schools, preschools, zoos, churches, museums and anywhere children, young people and adults can play.
Fiona’s commitment to design of quality playgrounds includes daily advocacy for the rights of children of all ages and abilities to play outdoors safely, regularly and imaginatively. Fiona is also on the Australian Standards committee for playgrounds, seeking to provide children, young adults and teenagers with safe play environments.